It was the only realm to which the Norse had access, with all the others beyond human reach, although there are plenty of examples of other beings visiting Midgard, including gods and jötnar. Midgard was the realm of humans, otherwise known as the real world. Sturluson’s Prose Edda offers an interesting take on Asgard, saying that it was a real city in Asia, hence the similarities between ‘Asia’ and ‘Æsir.’ This is known as ‘euhemerism:’ the belief that mythological accounts must be based upon real world people, places and events. The rest of the sub-realms are never mentioned, and historians are unlikely to ever find out what they were. Thrudheim was the home of Thor, Breidablik was the home of Baldur, and Himinbjörg was home of Heimdall. Another was Fólkvangr, a verdant field where Freya provided for the other half. One of these sub-realms was Valhalla, a beautiful golden hall where Odin gave an afterlife to half of all warriors who died in battle. Asgard was connected to Midgard, the realm of humans, by a rainbow bridge called the Bifröst.Īccording to the Poetic Edda, Asgard was divided into 12 smaller sub-realms.

Asgard was the realm of the Æsir, a place which was never described in too much detail, but which seems to have been full of large, divine palaces.